What’s Your Favorite Color?

Is your sims fav color Hot Pink but can’t seem to get it hot enough? Ever wondered what Spiceberry actually was? Well, fret no more. Here is a list of the all the “official” favorite colors your sims could have with the RGB and Hex numbers.

Color RGB Hex

Aqua (0, 176, 244) #00b0f4
Black (58, 58, 58) #3a3a3a
Blue (38, 63, 143) #263F8F
Green (2, 110, 76) #026e4c
Grey (193,196, 201) #c1c4c9
Hot Pink (253, 62, 157) #fd3e9d
Irish Green (0, 136, 98) #008862
Lilac (154, 135, 199) #9a87c7
Lime (74, 208, 49) #4ad031
Orange (255, 136, 65) #ff8841
Pink (255, 162, 191) #ffa2bf
Purple (106, 34, 134) #6a2286
Red (239, 45, 53) #ef2d35
Sea Foam (230, 253, 245) #e6fdf5
Spice Brown (81, 45, 23) #512d17
Spiceberry (107, 29, 81) #6B1D51
Turquoise (0, 162, 194) #00a2c2
Violet (177, 37, 146) #b12592
White (255 ,255, 255) #ffffff
Yellow (255, 255, 0) #ffff00

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